A Love Lesson from the Red Earth

teaching the Golden Rule
& giving away cross necklaces at
an orphanage
In the midst of challenges in breaking grounds to bring medical and other supplies to the red earth; I have found Faith, Hope & Love in harmony. Here in the midst of poverty, death, sickness & hunger there are Christians and Muslims living in close quarters. As a love warrior & scholar I have derived some conclusions from the developing countries I have served thus far. Love gives, does, and blesses the natural and spiritual laws. On the other hand, lust takes and violates the natural and spiritual laws. I was sadden by the news a few weeks ago of what took place in the gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida. Something is wrong in America. Let us be aware in the midst of human cruelty and grieving let us hold on to true love that's pure. I have gay friends and we love one another. They know my stand on homosexuality and I am not homophobic or a bigot. I am so FED UP when the fundamentalists of the most popular religious groups in Christianity, Islam and Judaism promote violence to promote their spiritual agenda and segregation. I am a realist. Look at the acts of terrorism in America lately. The Quran promotes this violence! Jihad's goal is to eradicate the infidels (anyone who is not a Muslim). Women can be beaten and men can marry prepubescent girls and have multiple wives. Muslims who are the mass killers of the infidels and killed on the line of duty are called martyrs. Unfortunately, the media glamorized their story unknowingly they are promoting Islam and motivating jihadists to become martyrs. America needs to be awaken. Let us promote peace, love and acts of kindness in the air waves. True heroes are silent and annihilate violence through their love expressions. Imagine pure love for one day to be promoted in songs, TV programs, education system, religious groups, news, and social media. What type of effect it will bring to our communities? HOLY CRAZY! LOVE would cure evil for one day!
Courage & his cross
According to the Quran martyrs and their loved ones make it faster to heaven. I read several chapters of the Quran it was filled with so many half truths that I closed the book. Let me inform the world. Mohammed was a violent and dangerous man. He had many wives and the youngest was Aisha a 9 year old.  Mohammed's god was not at all the God of Abraham. Under the new covenant, the old law is comprised by grace and love it is beautifully wrapped in the royal law. I teach the golden rule under a minute to children and adults take a little longer. The royal law is symbolized by the cross I wear around my neck. Vertically it represents to LOVE GOD first and horizontally it represents to LOVE EVERYBODY. Unlike the Bible, the Quran was written approximately 1300 yrs ago. Jesus existed before Mohammed and they were not all hangout buddies. The Bible continues to be the #1 best seller and the most popular translated book throughout the world. Please don't promote any religious groups if you are not aware of its teachings. There are Muslims who don't practice the violence in the Quran and I pray that they become enlightened by other teachings which the Quran prohibits.
our shadow at an orphanage
The martyrs I look up to were peacemakers, meek and powerful and their precious blood was an outcry of AGAPE LOVE. The greatest social activist of humanity was not smoking hallucinogens, looting, married, and picked up a sword to promote the golden rule. He was courageous and was hung unrecognizable for the tortured He endured and died as a criminal even though He was innocent. He was a victim and survivor of human trafficking. A man of many sorrows and grief who purely loved ALL people. This compassionate social butterfly was inviting. He didn't judge people at all, the depressed, leper, prostitute, alcoholic, sick, possessed, mother, centurion, tax collector, thief, any social outcast & elite were attracted to Him. Their lives were forever transformed. Once you hung out with Him you experienced the healing power of love. Love is freedom! People loved Him. The religious leaders ridiculed Him. They called him a party animal and drunk. Imagine Him at a party. He becomes the life of the party. Not at all socially inept! The greatest message of love on the cross was when He prayed for the forgiveness of His killers. This man from humble upbringings is the social activist, I worship, and continue to live His lifestyle as much as possible and willing to die for. His name is JESUS. Love was the power that resurrected Him and gives us hope and faith in this world. There were over 500 eyewitnesses that hung out with Him. Revolutionary Love. Along with His Love He introduced the new concept of grace.
As I get ready to return to Central Ohio I take with me some valuable lessons from the Red Earth. The REAL church has no walls no color, age, and gender. Church is the gathering of people who live by Agape love and express it many forms locally and globally. I have formed some solid relationships with Baptists and Roman Catholics because we love unconditionally. They are active in the schools, hospitals, orphanages, and villages to express Agape Love. In the midst of grief Love has a healing effect & I experienced it. It was like the birth of the baby girl I saw born two days ago. I would not have met my covenant brother, Harrison if he had not lost his two relatives. In the Godspeed moments we have laughed, cried, & celebrated the miraculous works of Love in and out of the medical field. Harrison will be a loving and great doctor. I was honored and blessed to participate in the memorial services one in a courtyard and the other on a farm.
The God I love is Triune which means He is a community. I pray that there will be more laborers to assist in this mission to spread Agape Love as a pandemic. The warehouse/Love Depot that is so desperately needed for 1divineline2health and its affiliates is a storehouse of blessings for central Ohio, the US and the world. PLEASE join me love does. Love builds chains and connect hearts like yours as totem poles that point towards the Creator of the heavens. The warehouse will be a safe zone to introduce people to a harmonious community founded on Faith, Hope and Love. Let us connect! Would you like to become a Love warrior? One requisite is needed and by now you should know it LOL:)!
Sister Mary a clone of Mother Theresa
& Mother Angelica
By practicing the Golden Rule you are equipped to become a world leader by joining us in the Love Revolution. "Love God and Love Everybody!" I hear the children shouting this message loud and clear. If there isn't anyone else I will do it myself like my precious icon, Mother Theresa said " Do not wait for leaders, do it alone person to person." 
Let us set aside our differences. Let us define love through our actions. There are genuine people in central Ohio and everywhere that care. Let us join hands and hearts to STOP the violence, hatred & all human atrocities in our community, nation and world. It's like one of my favorite songs in the 1990s by Haddaway What is love, it was simple and ridiculous. "What is love? Baby, Don't Hurt Me, Don't Hurt Me, No More."  It's a song about a guy who loves a woman who confuses him b/c he tries to please her and she doesn't care. Sometimes we may feel this way in our relationships. We all have a conscience. We can do something to stop first hurting ourselves and others. The remedy is Agape Love it starts first with you and God and spreads as a pandemic to others. Love Heals the Sick and the World. Join me and see love chains change the world! Agape Love from the Red Earth.


Lovely Street Sister, Ukraine's Uncrippling Love, Love Letter Hits the Airways