Every day as a missionary I am at a CROSSROAD where death COLLIDES w/life, Sin w/Forgiveness, hatred w/Love, Evil w/Good, fear w/Courage, intolerance w/Mercy, despair w/Hope, incredulity w/Faith, lawlessness w/Justice and defeat w/Victory. As soldiers wear doggie tags to identify themselves and the unit they belong to. I wear my cross as my doggie tag to the medical brigades as a soldier in the Lord's army. As a soldier in the Lord’s army my assignment is to Go-Spell out Love to those in need. I have a lot of fun distributing crosses and teaching the meaning of the cross in the clinics. The CROSS is the crossroad where love was TRULY expressed to humanity. Where my commander and chief died.  His heart was at the center of the cross beating erratically at times while moving in agony to catch His breath as HE prayed for us and His killers. Friend, that is CRAZY LOVE for the human mind yet self-sacrificial known as AGAPE LOVE!  A few weeks before the crucifixion Jesus chatted with His disciples and said “My command is this Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. You are my friends if you do what I command.” WOW to be a friend of Jesus means you crucify your wants and learn to bless others. Love at the crossroad teaches you to love, forgive, & pray for those who hate you both kin and nonrelated folks.
Do you feel lonely today b/c you don’t have a special someone to love you. Let me be your matchmaker this evening! I want to introduce you to the love of my life. I am perfectly fine in sharing Him with you. In the mission field my skill sets are not enough to heal the abuse, illnesses, death, hunger, and cruelty that surrounds me every day. However, I offer the Love of Jesus to the brokenhearted. It is a blessing to see Jesus transform their hearts. No matter the ROADS you have taken and left you in despair TODAY you can meet Jesus at your crossroads. Let me be your Jeremiah when he said “Stand at the crossroads & look: ask for the ancients paths, ask where the good way is & walk in it. And you will find rest for your soul.” Stop & think! Choose relationships that will  build you up, bless you and not condemn you and teach you that the world revolves outside of your world!  Please run away from those senseless, abusive, parasitic, self-absorbed and unsatisfying relationships. And Run towards the arms of true love. The arms that were spread wide open at the cross over 2000 yrs ago. There in those precious arms your love will go through a metamorphosis and the beauty of this love will effect positively those who surround you. Now that my friend is Agape Love! Go express your love to someone in need today and this month of Love. Agape!


Lovely Street Sister, Ukraine's Uncrippling Love, Love Letter Hits the Airways